Women in Motorsport: Sabre Cook

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We had the opportunity to speak with American W-Series racer, Sabre Cook. She grew up racing karts and now races in all sorts of vehicles and series including Porsche GT3 Cup Cars, MX5, and several different levels and makes of open-wheel formula cars. She is poised to continue her hot streak in the international open-wheel scene! Here are her answers to our questions about being a trailblazer for other women who want their chance to be champions of motorsport.

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How did you get started in racing?

“My father used to race motocross and supercross professionally. Obviously with the severe toll that takes on your body, he and my mother did not want my brother and I to get into racing motorcycles. Thus after my dad retired he found karting, and introduced my brother and I to that when we were little.”

Who inspired you to start racing?

“My father.”

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What challenges have you faced as a woman trying to find your way in the sport?

“As a driver, I deal with all the typical struggles it takes to make it in the world of motorsports. As a woman there can be a bit more challenge physically, but nothing that more commitment and efficiency in a training program can't solve. Sometimes as a woman you aren't taken quite as seriously and you feel you have to fight for respect more but in the end, it's outside of your control how others react to you. So as long as you keep your head down and focus on the task and process at hand, keep working, and doing your best job at it - that's really all that matters.”

What are your goals behind the wheel and off the track?

“NTT INDYCAR is the long-term goal behind the wheel. As an engineer, I'd love to one day be a lead race engineer in INDYCAR or F1. Outside of those, I hope to start a charity for dogs & veterans.”

What is your favorite vehicle you’ve raced?

“Indy Pro 2000 and KZ Shifter Kart.”

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